Examination and Attendance
Examinations are held as per rules of MJP Rohilkhand University rules. Students are themselves responsible for completing the examination form with all the enclosures and depositing the same in the college office. For obtaining admission card of university examination, the students will have to deposit all the dues, sport material and library books, etc. The parents are expected to ensure that their wards have completed these formalities. If students neglect or do not follow the rules, they may barred from taking the examination.
- As per university rules, 75 per cent attendance is compulsory for taking LLB examination.
- In case of suspension from the class, attendance of any student in the class will not be valid.
- The lecturers will apprise the students their attendance status at the end of the month. If any teacher fails to communicate the status, it will be duty of the student concerned to find it because it is the duty of students to make up for the shortage of attendance.
- Parents are expected to be vigilant about attendance of their dependents. They should keep themselves informed about the attendance and progress of the wards from the college authorities.
- If any student is prevented from taking the examination, lack of knowledge about attendance or progress on the part of student, or parents will not be accepted under any circumstances.