College Uniform

Uniform is compulsory on the college campus.

Summer Uniform: White shirt, white pants, black tie, black shoes with laces, white socks.

Winter Uniform: White shirt, white pants, black coat or black jacket, black tie, black shoes with laces, white socks, white sweater.

General Rules and Directions for Students

Progress, fame and orderly conduct of any educational institution depends on strict adherence to discipline, rules and traditions of the institution by students. For the help of the students, the following general rules and appropriate guidelines are as under:

  1. Maintaining discipline in the college is the first duty of the students.
  2. Respecting teachers, other employees and colleagues is good. The students should behave properly inside and outside the college so that they may brighten up names of their parents and the institution.
  3. Students must park their cycles, scooters, motorcycles, etc., under lock at the designated place after depositing the prescribed fee. Parking vehicles at any other place is prohibited.
  4. College property is the property of the students. They should not harm it in any way. Scribbling on the walls or pasting posters is prohibited.
  5. During teaching, no kind of disturbance should be caused either from inside, or from outside.
  6. For better health and overall development of the students, they should make full use of library and reading room, and sports ground available in the college.
  7. Students must travel in the train or bus only after purchasing proper ticket. For rail journey, concession forms for procuring monthly season tickets are available in the college office.
  8. Students must take tests and examinations seriously. There is no provision of re-examination if a student fails to take any test or examination.
  9. People who are not students of the college are not allowed to roam around in the college and enter the classrooms.
  10. Any kind of payment to the students will be made only through crossed cheque. In case of loss, second cheque will be issued only after six months have elapsed and necessary actions have been taken.
  11. It is necessary to follow the orders of the principal for maintaining discipline and order in the college.

Identity Card

Students may obtain new identity card after showing the authority concerned receipt of LLB admission fee. In case a student loses or misplaces identity card, he or she may get another identity card after depositing Rs 25 in the office. Those trying to get a fake identity card will be penalised. The right to issue duplicate identity card will vest in the Chief Proctor. It is compulsory to carry identity card at the college campus. Any kind of material will be issued to the students from the college office, library or sports section only after showing the identity card.